When I have the time I love to create tarot spreads for readers to enjoy. This one marks my favorite time of the year: FALL! Happy Autumn witches and readers - I hope this spread is an enjoyable way to explore the magic and energy of the Autumnal Equinox.
Reflecting on Generosity in Tarot
For Tarot Tuesday I wanted to discuss generosity and the benefit of offering services to others. I always look to align with those who strive to build and develop personal, creative, and professional relationships. You have probably observed that people who are enthusiastic and supportive of their peers' successes manifest abundant, vibrant, and creative lives for themselves. Being generous does not mean that you will lose what is rightfully yours, but instead you will gain what what is soulfully rewarding. Try this today: see how you feel if you set your mindset to generosity and support. Watch the people around you in awe as they blossom and mature. You may find that your day is much lighter. Through kindness, generosity, and support, you may find that you may build a valuable network of relationships that can lead authentic connections. Read about a card that you are most drawn to, or feel free to read about each to you explore different expressions of generosity. These interpretations examine cards that show generosity between people, so my hope is that these interpretations help you see how you can be a loving support system for those around you.
Six of Swords: Remain present for others through transition. If you picked the Six of Swords (the card on the left) your service to others is to be available to those going through times of transition. This card shows a man ferrying two people to a better place. Sometimes one of the kindest acts we can do is to remain present for someone when they are moving from one situation to another. Change can be a tricky thing - it means leaving behind familiarity and moving into unknown territories. Think of a time you went through massive changes - who was there for you? What would have helped make that transition smoother? Keep this in mind because you have the opportunity to assist someone in a challenging and tricky situation. One brilliant observation by author and tarot expert Rachel Pollack is that the Six of Swords is extremely silent. In considering the silent nature of the Six of Swords, your generosity can be to remain quiet and simply be an active listener. Sometimes just saying "I hear you" to someone can be the most effective method form of generosity there is. Additional suggestions to express generosity through the Six of Swords: participate in a Reiki share, smudge your home or a friend's home, offer to listen to someone vent, participate in or lead a group meditation, help someone move or travel, or share a meaningful crystal with someone. The crystal with this card is Dumortierite Quartz, which is used to connect with Spirit Guides, ease grief, restore mental powers, and develop patience.
Six of Pentacles: Share resources. If you picked the Six of Pentacles (the center card) your service to others is to be share resources. The Six of Pentacles shows a person sharing money to people in need. You will find that you profit the most by sharing resources and supporting other businesses. The most progressive thing you can do to mobilize your own prosperity is to support your community’s prosperity. Connect two people who can help each other out, collaborate if you have a solution to someone's nagging issue, and help to develop other people's prosperity. You will find that by helping others manifest their dreams your own may come into fruition as well. Think of a project or time in your life when you needed help - who did you ask for help and why? Keep this resourceful person in mind and consider who it is you can be resourceful or charitable to. Additional suggestions to express generosity through the Six of Pentacles: practice "pay it forward" by paying for the person behind you in line, gift a book to someone, plug a close friend’s business, donate to a charity that is important to you, refer someone to a job, write someone a recommendation, or share food with someone. The crystal with this card is Unakite Jasper, which is used to enhance kindness, uncover opportunities, reduce anxiety, and boost confidence and love.
Six of Cups: Create loving space. If you picked the Six of Cups (the card on the right) your service to others is to create a comforting and loving space. This card shows one child giving flowers to another child. In many ways the Six of Cups shows an innocent exchange where these two children can simply be who they are. In that sense it may also be mindful to meditate on the idea of “safe space,” and what it means to be open and caring to people from all different walks of life. Think of a time you felt the most comfortable or experienced hospitality - who were you with and where were you? Keep this in mind as you offer comfort to others through your actions and words. You may feel inspired and creative when those around you are in the position to share their loving authenticity. Additional suggestions generous expressions through the Six of Cups: organize an event or party that welcomes marginalized communities, compliment someone, reach out to someone you are missing, volunteer to work with people in need, treat your significant other out on a date, babysit, or petsit. The crystal with this card is botswana agate, which is used to deepen universal love, conjure creativity, stabilize wellness, and promote spiritual comfort.
Are there other cards you think that reflect the theme of generosity? If so, which cards? Leave a comment and let me know!
For Tarot Tuesday we examine the Star Card - a favorite for many!
Tarot Reflections: The Star Card
The Star card indicates a time of healing and inspiration. It is a relieving card to see, especially since it follows the Tower card in the Major Arcana. This placement is essential: after suffering through the challenges of the Tower card, the Star allows you to pause to heal, regroup, and find inner peace. The Star offers you an environment to do the healing work, but also urges you stay determined to personally evolve. If you receive the Star card you are not simply here for an easy experience, but a profound experience filled with complex emotions and events to deepen your understanding of the range of human feelings and the power of hope. The Star gives you the magic to help others who may need support as they move through their own suffering. Let healing and guidance move gently and passively by simply being present to listen.
The Star asks you to examine what divinity is: what are you experiencing on this planet, in this era of shifting and transition? Do you feel out of place with the times and overwhelmed by the pain inflicted in our world? The Star offers us the hope that there is more beyond these five senses. In terms of the tarot, the High Priestess card shows us the perspective of “in front of the veil,” where we wish to cross into the magical Otherworld. The Star is said to show us the perspective from “behind the veil.” With the Star Card you have finally stepped into the Otherworld dimension where magic is prevalent. It is here where you feel you can reconnect with spirituality, feel soaked in the healing rays of the stars above, and let the healing pools of water wash over you and the land. There is realization with the Star card that when we are our authentic selves we blossom with joy and inspiration. Be open to receiving transmissions from the Divine Creator, who wishes to extend to you the magic you need to manifest inspiration and prosperity in your life so you may heal, ascend, and share those universal treasures with others.
I love to suggest that the seven stars surrounding the main Star above the figure in the Star are the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. This brings in a whole other element to the interpretation of the Star, and that is a connection to higher realms of consciousness and perhaps even ultra-terrestrials. Perhaps this isn’t too far-fetched, as some have debated that the scene in the Star may be on another planet altogether. We live in an unusual time – we can drink from the deep well of ancient knowledge and we can also look upwards into the heavens and meditate on what else is out there.
Other readers suggest that the Star is a symbol of Polaris – the North Star that guides us. If that is the case, then consider the Star as a suggestion to use your heart as a compass. Let your heart guide you back to your true self and the path you feel your soul has brought you to this place to experience.
Star Card Activities to Initiate:
Use your own way to speak with Divinity – whether in prayer, meditation, chant, or otherwise.
Close your eyes and envision you as your best self. What does it look like? How does it feel?
Write a letter to yourself or someone you love encouraging them to follow their dreams.
Read a New Age or Metaphysical Book.
Study tarot or another form of divination.
Speak with the goddesses Nyx or Nut.
Practice a cleansing or purifying ritual.
Drink water with monatomic gold.
Make a wish or cast a spell to grant wishes.
Take a risk – it’s an auspicious time to make dreams come true.
Go outside and stargaze. See if you can spot the Pleiades star cluster (visible in the fall and winter in the Northern Hemisphere).
Crystals in the Star card picture include crystal quartz for enhancing energies, green calcite for healing, and a variety of blue crystals. My favorite, and one connected to the Star card, is the Aqua Aura Quartz. Another blue crystal in the picture, and also connected to the Star card is Celestite.
I would also like to take this opportunity to share with you my personal connections to The Star at the moment. This past year was one of the most challenging I faced. I was misdiagnosed with two significant medical conditions. Although I am blessed to indeed not suffer from the conditions, I did have to endure dozens of doctor visits, thousands of dollars in medical bills, physical trauma from medication that my body rejected, and mental trauma that took the form of health anxiety (ie hypochondria). On top of health issues my loving and magical friend and familiar Phoebe passed away after battling Cushings Disease for the past year. Months later I still find myself deep in grief over this loss. At the same time all of these things were happening my day job required monumental levels of attention and endurance. By the time I got home I simply had no energy left to give. This was the Tower Card time for me: a painful period where it was hard to see past the grief and suffering.
I am so thankful that I am feeling better these days. I truly believe it has been the support, comfort, and cheerleading that my friends have been showering me with that have helped me through the toughest points. After a lot of rest and personal reflection I am feeling inspired again to turn my attention to metaphysics, magic, and creativity, with the hopes it may inspire and heal those who encounter it.